Sample Letter You May Use to Send to Your Senators or Congress

Dear : I hope you are supporting the bill that has been drafted stopping Donald Trump's practice of removing children from parents at the border. This is an inhumane practice, and while the United States has done things in the past that it has not been proud of, we should have learned from our mistakes, and never fallen into these practices again. The pictures we are seeing of the terror these children are facing, and that they cannot be comforted, is just heartbreaking. I call on you to become involved if you are not already, and denounce, strongly, this practice. I am volunteering with a group called Operation Save the Children, whose primary focus is the reunification of children with their parents. Unfortunately, there are already reports of parents whose attempts at amnesty have failed, and they have been deported without their children. Government officials have already come forward to say that, with the amount of children being processed, these children will be lost in the system. This is a travesty. Our organization will attempt to reunify these families, and others. Please allow us to work with you to make this happen. Please contact me with any thoughts on how we can work together. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, Your constituent,
(Your own signature)

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